Baking Soda for Nail Fungus


Toenail fungus is a common fungal infection under the nail. Nail fungus can cause discoloration, brittleness, and thickness of the infected nail. Most of the symptoms of this are simply cosmetic but can lead to more serious issues later on.

Over 80% of these types of fungal infections are caused by dermatophytes [1]. Nearly all nail fungus infections are caused by dermatophytes. Others are caused by molds or yeasts. So, if a treatment is able to destroy dermatophytes then it is highly likely to be able to get rid of nail fungus for good.

When someone realizes that they have nail fungus they often times will go to home remedies. One of the most cost-efficient and easiest ways to begin treating nail fungus is to use an at-home remedy such as baking soda.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about treating your nail fungus with baking soda. Be sure to read until the end to make sure you are well-equipped with information to successfully get rid of fungi.

Does Baking Soda Work for Fungal Infections?

Yes, researchers did a study that focused on baking soda’s effects on common fungi that caused nail fungus infections such as dermatophytes, yeast, and mold. The study concluded that fungi growth was inhibited (prevented) in 79% of the specimens tested [2].

What this means is that baking soda did not necessarily eradicate the fungus but essentially disabled any new fungus to grow. This means that baking soda does not get rid of fungi but rather can prevent it from getting worse.

While this may be disheartening news if you are looking for a cheap nail fungus cure. However, there are things we can add to baking soda that can be found in our pantry that will destroy nail fungus such as vinegar. Therefore, baking soda will prevent any further fungus from growing while the vinegar destroys the fungi.

Below we will list ways on how to use baking soda in unison with other home remedies that will cure and prevent nail fungus from plaguing your life.

How to Use

If you plan on using baking soda for nail fungus as a preventative measure then the best way to use it will be by creating a paste. To create the paste you will only need two simple ingredients; water and baking soda.

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a little bit of water to form a paste. Apply the paste on the infected nails. Let the paste sit on the nails for 15 minutes before rinsing. You can use more or less baking soda depending on how many toes are infected. Do this twice a day for 30 days or until the fungus subsides.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

While baking soda is the preventative ingredient, you will want to add an additional element to destroy the fungus. One of the best at-home remedies that do this is white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

While there are no scientific studies done on vinegar’s effects on nail fungus, there is a lot of anecdotal case studies done. The only scientific studies done on vinegar were about apple cider vinegar which documented its antifungal properties. The studies showed that apple cider vinegar possesses anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties [3].

How you will use vinegar with baking soda is by first creating a foot soak. You can use either white or apple cider vinegar for the soak. Begin by preparing warm water in a foot basin. Put half a cup of baking soda, a quarter cup of vinegar of your choice, and Epsom Salts. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and dry your feet thoroughly.

Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Another thing you can pair with baking soda to increase its effectiveness is hydrogen peroxide. You can use hydrogen peroxide with baking soda in two different ways: a foot soak or as a paste.

For the foot soak, you will prepare warm water in a foot basin. Then add 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide into the water and 1/2 cup of baking soda into the foot basin. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and dry your feet thoroughly.

Is it Good to Use Baking Soda for Toenail Fungus?

Comparatively, baking soda and other home remedies have a lot fewer possible side effects when compared to orally prescribed medications. A lot of oral prescriptions for nail fungus can cause other health complications and requires bloodwork and additional testing.

Therefore, baking soda provides a solution for nail fungus with a lot less risk.

3 Reasons to Use Baking Soda for Nail Fungus

There are many reasons to give baking soda a try for your fungal infections but the key highlights are that it is cheap, easy to use, and works for foot odor.


One of the greatest reasons to try baking soda for fungal infections is because it inhibits the growth of fungi but also because it’s very cost-effective. The average cost for name brand baking soda can be purchased for under $4 depending on the size and quantity of the product.

Easy to Use

As aforementioned, using baking soda for fungus is easy as making a paste or adding it to a foot soak. The time to use baking soda for this method will only take you 10-15 minutes a day.

Great for Foot Odor

Not only does baking soda stop fungi from growing but it also neutralizes foot odor. Baking soda neutralizes the smell and bacteria on your feet that cause the funky smell. So using baking soda in a foot soak is one of the best ways to stop foot odor.

The Final Verdict

While there is solid scientific evidence that shows that baking soda can prevent further toenail fungus, unfortunately, there are no studies that show it cures nail fungus. Even though there is anecdotal evidence that there are other things we can mix with baking soda to improve the effectiveness.

If the studies completed and information presented in this article weren’t enough for you to consider trying baking soda as a cure for toenail fungus then there are other resources you can find. Here I compiled a list of some of the best toenail fungus remedies on the market which can be found online or over-the-counter at your local drugstore.