Using Hydrogen Peroxide for Nail Fungus

Currently, there are 35 million people affected by toenail fungus. The side effects of this are not only physical but also psychological since it directly impacts the appearance of the nails.

After having the first-hand experience with this type of fungal infection for over 6 years, I know exactly how it feels not wanting to wear flip flops or sandals because my nails were so ugly. After doing some research I heard about using hydrogen peroxide on nail fungus. Turns out I actually had some in my bathroom.

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound that is typically used as a disinfectant for wounds. However, people have reported successes online using hydrogen peroxide for their fungal infections.

In fact, I even used on a very thick and brittle nail and watched the fungus begin to bubble a little when I applied hydrogen peroxide on my nail. In this article, you will learn 3 reasons you should be using hydrogen peroxide for fungus.

3 Reasons Why You Should Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Your Feet

When you are beginning treatment for your nail fungal infection it is important to consider a few things like is it safe, is it affordable, and does it work?

Here are three reasons you should consider using hydrogen peroxide for fungus:

Reason #1: It’s safe.

Hydrogen peroxide is generally safe to be used on the skin for wounds and cuts. In addition, it is safe to use it for nail fungus without any adverse health effects.

Reason #2: It’s affordable

The average cost for a 2 pack of Equate 3% Hydrogen Peroxide can be purchased at Walmart for $1.71 which makes it one of the most affordable ways to cure toenail fungus. It equals about $0.03 / fl oz which compared to other treatments like Lamisil which is roughly $15.35 / fl oz. This makes hydrogen peroxide is quite the bargain!

Reason #3: No prescription needed

There is no shortage online of people posting the results of their nails but the best thing is starting this type of treatment is that it can be as simple as opening your medicine cabinet. If not a simply run to the grocery store can be the first step of treating your nail fungus.

How to Use

There are two primary ways to use hydrogen peroxide for your feet.  You can use hydrogen peroxide for nail fungus by using a q-tip to directly apply it to the infected nails. You can also soak your feet with half a cup of hydrogen peroxide and warm water in a foot basin. 

Method #1 – Q-Tip Dip

For this method, you will only need a q-tip and hydrogen peroxide. You will just pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into the cap and then use a q-tip to dip into the solution and then apply directly onto the affected nails.

Be sure to cover the entire area and get it under the nail as well. Do this twice daily and allow an adequate amount of time to let the hydrogen peroxide dry.

Method #2 – The “Breathing” Foot Soak

For this method, you will soak your toenails in 2% hydrogen peroxide for approximately 5 minutes using the “breathing” method.

You may be asking… what is the “breathing method”?

When you are soaking your foot in the solution you will press on the affected nail and then release it. Perform this technique multiple times during the soak on each affected nail. This will almost act like your nail is “breathing” and ensure that you will get hydrogen peroxide in every nook and cranny of your nail.

This essentially increases effectiveness of the soak. Repeat this daily until you see improvement. People have seen results within as little as 3 weeks.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

Not only is hydrogen peroxide effective on its own but it can also be used in unison with other compounds to assist in healing your toes for good. One of the most common combinations is to use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda for toenail fungus. Below are two step-by-step guides to using these products.

Method #1 – “The Paste”

This method involves creating a paste with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Follow these steps to create a solution that can be applied directly to your toenails.

  1. Mix a 2:1 ratio of 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part baking soda to form a thick paste.
  2. Using a cotton swab, generously apply the mixture onto your infected nails
  3. Let the mixture to sit for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse away and dry your feet. Repeat twice a day until the infection dissipates.

Method #2 – The Ultimate Soak

These are the steps in order to perform the ultimate soak which is a combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

  1. Combine 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cup of baking soda into a water basin big enough for both feet.
  2. Add 4 cups of warm water and an (optional) 1/2 cup amount of Epsom salts.
  3. Soak for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Feel free to perform the “breathing techinique” (see above) on your nails while soaking them.
  5. Rinse of the solution with warm water and pat feet dry.
  6. For optimal results, perform this twice daily.

A Real Review

So, as I mentioned before I actually tried to see how my toes would react to putting hydrogen peroxide directly on them. I didn’t want to use this treatment longterm because at the time I had just purchased some products off of Amazon that are proven to clear nail fungus but I had to try it just once.

On my left foot, my toe left to my big toe was incredibly thick and brittle. I couldn’t believe my eyes but it started to fizz a little. I’m not sure if this was normal but this is what happened to me… I just figured it was doing its job.

Nail Fungus

Nail fungus has many names which include onychomycosis,  or tinea unguium. It affects roughly 12% of the population and is typically found in older people.

Onychomycosis can cause discoloration and thickening of the nails which can be painful both physically and psychologically. The cause of nail fungus is all pathogens in the fungus kingdom typically categorized as Dermatophytes. Luckily, hydrogen peroxide can help sanitize and assist in treating nail fungus.


In conclusion, there are many reasons to use hydrogen peroxide including its affordability, accessibility, and effectiveness. Who knows, maybe you want to see your toenails fizz a little too as well.